
Just do it.

Hi y'all, I'm blogging for Iz for the next few days while she's off on a few adventures (be sure she tells you about them, because they sound awesome.) I was the girl that brought you the story about a fun clothes swap a few months ago.

Today, I thought I would share some of my secrets to fueling my passion for health and wellness. I'm a newly converted health freak trying to keep my life as normal and unobnoxious as possible. My mentality is that I workout as a way to destress AND to allow me to drink beer and eat cake, pizza, nutella and ice cream without feeling (too) guilty. 

I believe it was Lauren Conrad (inspiration to us all to always choose Paris) that first gave me the idea that one of the keys to working out is having a cute workout wardrobe. Now, don't get me wrong, there are days where I'm rocking my hogwarts t-shirt (circa 1999) and target running shorts, but a good wardrobe is motivating in all parts of life, including getting your butt to the gym. 

Here are some pics of my current lusts for fall workout gear. I chose Nike gear for a couple of reasons- one, because I love shopping their sales rack at the outlet malls (double discount) and two because this outfit is inspired by the U.S. Olympic Qualifiers in running. 

All photos courtesy of Nike.com

I love grey, yellow and black together (very on trend right now- and workout gear is a great way to experiment with a new trend). I know if I had that sports bra I would be so excited to hit the gym after work, put it on and break a sweat (endorphins are not a myth). 

So catch a few minutes of the Olympics this weekend look at your pinterest exercise board or check out Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition and then go out and break a sweat yourself. Remember, the only bad work out is the one that didn't happen! 

Have a fun couple days! I'll be back on Monday to recap some fabulous wedding guest looks I saw at the wedding I'm attending tonight. 


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