
Independence Day

I hope you all had a fun and relaxing July 4th! To me, it just kinda of feels like an extra day off, especially when it falls on a Wednesday, but I do have some great memories as a kid of parades, bbq's and fire works. My Mom's bday is the 6th of July, and my Dad worked in automotive growing up, so he had two weeks off in July during the "shut down", so we would usually take these two week long road trips as a kid. I've spent my Independence days in Larchmont, NY, Canada, Delaware, OH and Lexington, MI. It's almost strange to be home for the Holiday.

Bob and I celebrated by attending a bbq at his Dad's country club with a bunch of the Mervak's, we then went to see Ted (not great) and chilled out the rest of the day. We topped off the evening with a trip to Ray's Ice Cream (I got sorbet) and some sparklers.

As a side note- these are the perfect black flats and I wish I could afford them...


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