So, my Dad turned 55 a few weeks ago. He and I are both guilty of LOVING outdoors apparel, even though neither of us are super hard core adventurers. Patagonia is one of my all time favorites. So for his birthday, Mom and I went to Moosejaw and got him two jackets and a pair of smartwools (the BEST socks in the world, I wear them everyday). If you recall in my post about his bday weekend, we made an entire Thanksgiving dinner feast. Needless to say, we were all feeling lazy after that meal. So we were teasing my Dad about wearing his hardcore jacket while sprawled out on the Lazy Boy watching TV.
Bob decided to take a pic and tweet it to Moosejaw (@MoosejawMadness) of Dad being hardcore in his Lazy Boy. Well, while checking my email today, I opened up the Moosejaw Newsletter and there was Dad!!! He's famous! This little story was so hilarious I just had to share it.
i keep saying...its a good week/month to be a Nelson !!!