

I've been having very intense dreams lately, and in talking to my friends, they have been having strangely lucid dreams the past few weeks as well. It's caused me to think a lot about the meaning of dreams. In one dream, I was crying and I woke up with tears in my eyes, clearly I was working something out via dream. And on Monday night, I had a dream that I got a promotion at work and on Tuesday, I got a promotion! Crazy, right?!

Naturally, I started googleing dream meanings and I find this site to be a bit more legit than the average, Dream Moods. One of my most vivid dreams in the past few years had the biggest, most awe inspiring whale in it and we were on very good terms, it was magnificent. I looked up "whale" and found this:
To see a whale in your dream represents your intuition and awareness.
You are in tuned with your sense of spirituality.  
dream away friends!


  1. Very thoughtful and creative post. I love this. I love you.

  2. Jeeeeeeeeez Louise, I love you immensely.
    That"s all.
    xoxoxo momma
