

DO you read the blog, Man Repeller? Because you should. Leandra Medine is a 23 year old fashion genius and very talented writer. When I read her blog I kind of feel like I'm reading an issue of The New Yorker and she's writing their fashion column. After watching the episode below of the Bluefly Closet Confessions, I've fallen for her even more. SO nice to see somebody in fashion who paved her own way, is respected by the vogue-ettes and has a true point of view.

happy weekend!


  1. Oh yeah...she's a man repeller...totally ugly..She's got a really terrible complexion of Italian olive skin, as well as perfect teeth.

    I am not repelled by most of those. I think they're cool.

    Are you so excited to see her place?

    Is she super duper rich?

  2. i adore her too! did you see the new line she just worked on? it's pretty great.
