

Bob and his brother Dan share a birthday and they are three years apart (crazy, right?!). This year, I asked Bob what he wanted to do for his bday and he said he wanted to visit Dan in Kalamazoo. Dan and Amy and their new baby, Clara, our niece (!!!), live in Kzoo and are so much fun to visit. Kzoo has the infamous Bells Brewery, great coffee shops and a very healthy farmers market community, which Dan is quite involved in. Here are some pics from our visit!

Clara loved listening to Uncle Bob play the piano and even tried to throw in a few notes herself. She would start dancing like crazy at times.
It amazing how moved little humans are by music.

we went out for a bday dinner and afterwards had 
to go visit the lights at the city park!

Once Clara was put to bed, we decorated the tree and drank some Kzoo brews. 

Thanks for having us out you three. We had such a nice time, as always. 
xo, iz


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She's so adorable! Ahhh!!! I want to see her again now! Your camera is taking great pics too! Remember years ago when we secretly made out on their couch in that living room right where the tree is?
